News and Announcements
Fall Rec Picture Schedule is Here!
Picture Day is Saturday, September 7! The team photo schedule for the day is attached below.
Here is the link to order your photos online in advance:
Once ordered, all of the photo packages will be mailed directly to your home address. Photos will be available to view and order AFTER PICTURE DAY online BUT you can get FREE SHIPPING when you Pre-Order NOW! Remember you’ll need to complete separate orders for multiple children.
Be sure to arrive 5-10 minutes early to get checked in and lined up for photos. Your child’s match will start shortly after the scheduled photo time so please show up on time and ready.
Thank you as always to our partners King Shots Photography!
The document Picture_Schedule.pdf was attached to this post.
Excessive Heat Alert Week of 8/26
Attention CCFC coaches and parents,
With heat index values rising into the triple digits this week, it’s crucial that we prioritize the safety and well-being of our players. Indiana Soccer recommends any soccer practice be postponed with heat index 100° or higher. That said, we are making the following requests for soccer practices this week:
- No practices will take place Tuesday and Wednesday due to high heat index values.
- If you do practice this week, please ensure that everyone takes plenty of water breaks and consider shortening practice lengths to prevent heat-related illnesses.
- Coaches are encouraged to review the Indiana Soccer Hot Weather Recommendations and the guidelines it provides based on heat index values.
Let’s make sure we take care of our kids during these extreme temperatures by keeping them hydrated and safe. Thank you for your cooperation!
— Circle City Futbol Club Board
CCFC Welcomes Tapestry Coffee Co.
Tapestry Coffee Company, a mobile café serving the entire greater Indianapolis area, has partnered and agreed to serve CCFC fans during the fall rec soccer season. On game days, Tapestry Coffee will offer drip coffee, iced coffee, americanos, lattes, café mochas, cold brew, hot tea, chai lattes, hot chocolates, and more with additional flavor shots. They will be parked near the shelter at the northern end of the property for games through middle of September. Please stop by Tapestry Coffee before you walk to the fields and enjoy!
Visit their website:
Follow them on Facebook:
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We Need You! Sign Up to Help
We are always looking for great people to volunteer at CCFC! As an entirely volunteer run organization, we need board members, field marshals, concession workers, golf cart drivers and more each season in order to operate.
Learn More:
Sponsor CCFC
Are you interested in sponsorship for our club? We have several packages available and would love to speak to you about our options. Your investment in our programs expands our ability to serve our community through sport. We will be able to expanding our programming and services to our community with your support.
Email us to learn more: